变量 | 描述 |
TAssetPtr |
指向尚未加载但可以根据请求加载的资产的指针 |
TAssetSubclassOf |
指向已定义的基类的子类的指针,该子类尚未加载,但可以根据请求加载。用于指向蓝图而不是基本component。(大概是因为蓝图是Asset) |
/** 定义Asset指针. 别忘记添加UPROPERTY标记 */
TAssetPtr<MyClass> MyAssetPointer;
/** 定义子类版本. */
TAssetSubclassOf<MyBaseClass> MyAssetSubclassOfPointer;
// 调用IsValid()去测试这个AssetPtr是不是指向一个有效的UObject
/** 特别注意TAssetSubclassOf的Get(),它返回的是UClass的指针!! */
/** 要正确使用UClass指针,必须使用GetDefaultObject<T>()来获得指向UObject或派生类的指针 */
// 调用ToStringReference()返回希望加载的Asset的FStringAssetReference
变量 | 描述 |
FStreamableManager | 运行时的Asset流控制管理器,这是用户定义的对象,应该被定义在类似GameInstance之类的方便访问的对象中。 |
FStringAssetReference | 一个包含Asset应用字符串的结构体,能对Asset进行弱引用。 |
- 访问方便,这使得在需要时加载资产变得很容易。
- 具备持久性,因为你永远不想在加载对象时丢失或销毁对FStreamableManager的引用。
允许您加载单个资产并获得它的强引用。这意味着在您使用unload手动卸载它之前,它永远不会被垃圾回收。(这个 方法已经被废弃,请使用RequestAsyncLoad,并设置bManageActiveHandle为true)
// the .h
TAssetPtr<ABaseItem> MyItem;
// the .cpp
FStringAssetReference AssetToLoad
AssetToLoad = MyItem.ToStringReference();
//the .h
TArray< TAssetPtr<ABaseItem> > MyItems;
// the .cpp
TArray<FStringAssetReference> AssetsToLoad
for(TAssetPtr<ABaseItem>& AssetPtr : MyItems) // C++11 ranged loop
AssetLoader.RequestAsyncLoad(AssetsToLoad, FStreamableDelegate::CreateUObject(this, &MyClass::MyFunctionToBeCalledAfterAssetsAreLoaded));
* This is the primary streamable operation. Requests streaming of one or more target objects. When complete, a delegate function is called. Returns a Streamable Handle.
* @param TargetsToStream Assets to load off disk
* @param DelegateToCall Delegate to call when load finishes. Will be called on the next tick if asset is already loaded, or many seconds later
* @param Priority Priority to pass to the streaming system, higher priority will be loaded first
* @param bManageActiveHandle If true, the manager will keep the streamable handle active until explicitly released
* @param bStartStalled If true, the handle will start in a stalled state and will not attempt to actually async load until StartStalledHandle is called on it
* @param DebugName Name of this handle, will be reported in debug tools
TSharedPtr<FStreamableHandle> RequestAsyncLoad(const TArray<FSoftObjectPath>& TargetsToStream, FStreamableDelegate DelegateToCall = FStreamableDelegate(), TAsyncLoadPriority Priority = DefaultAsyncLoadPriority, bool bManageActiveHandle = false, bool bStartStalled = false, const FString& DebugName = TEXT("RequestAsyncLoad ArrayDelegate"));
TSharedPtr<FStreamableHandle> RequestAsyncLoad(const FSoftObjectPath& TargetToStream, FStreamableDelegate DelegateToCall = FStreamableDelegate(), TAsyncLoadPriority Priority = DefaultAsyncLoadPriority, bool bManageActiveHandle = false, bool bStartStalled = false, const FString& DebugName = TEXT("RequestAsyncLoad SingleDelegate"));
/** Lambda Wrappers. Be aware that Callback may go off multiple seconds in the future. */
TSharedPtr<FStreamableHandle> RequestAsyncLoad(const TArray<FSoftObjectPath>& TargetsToStream, TFunction<void()>&& Callback, TAsyncLoadPriority Priority = DefaultAsyncLoadPriority, bool bManageActiveHandle = false, bool bStartStalled = false, const FString& DebugName = TEXT("RequestAsyncLoad ArrayLambda"));
TSharedPtr<FStreamableHandle> RequestAsyncLoad(const FSoftObjectPath& TargetToStream, TFunction<void()>&& Callback, TAsyncLoadPriority Priority = DefaultAsyncLoadPriority, bool bManageActiveHandle = false, bool bStartStalled = false, const FString& DebugName = TEXT("RequestAsyncLoad SingleLambda"));
MyItem.Get(); // returns a pointer to the LIVE UObject
* 同步版本的载入函数,用于载入多个(一组)资源,返回一个handle。
* @param TargetsToStream Assets to load off disk
* @param bManageActiveHandle If true, the manager will keep the streamable handle active until explicitly released
* @param DebugName Name of this handle, will be reported in debug tools
TSharedPtr<FStreamableHandle> RequestSyncLoad(const TArray<FSoftObjectPath>& TargetsToStream, bool bManageActiveHandle = false, const FString& DebugName = TEXT("RequestSyncLoad Array"));
TSharedPtr<FStreamableHandle> RequestSyncLoad(const FSoftObjectPath& TargetToStream, bool bManageActiveHandle = false, const FString& DebugName = TEXT("RequestSyncLoad Single"));
* 同步版本的载入函数,用于载入单个资源,返回UObject的指针。如果没有找到则返回空指针。
* @param Target Specific asset to load off disk
* @param bManageActiveHandle If true, the manager will keep the streamable handle active until explicitly released
* @param RequestHandlePointer If non-null, this will set the handle to the handle used to make this request. This useful for later releasing the handle
UObject* LoadSynchronous(const FSoftObjectPath& Target, bool bManageActiveHandle = false, TSharedPtr<FStreamableHandle>* RequestHandlePointer = nullptr);
/** Bind delegate that is called when load completes, only works if loading is in progress. This will overwrite any already bound delegate! */
bool BindCompleteDelegate(FStreamableDelegate NewDelegate);
/** Bind delegate that is called if handle is canceled, only works if loading is in progress. This will overwrite any already bound delegate! */
bool BindCancelDelegate(FStreamableDelegate NewDelegate);
/** Bind delegate that is called periodically as delegate updates, only works if loading is in progress. This will overwrite any already bound delegate! */
bool BindUpdateDelegate(FStreamableUpdateDelegate NewDelegate);
* Blocks until the requested assets have loaded. This pushes the requested asset to the top of the priority list,
* but does not flush all async loading, usually resulting in faster completion than a LoadObject call
* @param Timeout Maximum time to wait, if this is 0 it will wait forever
* @param StartStalledHandles If true it will force all handles waiting on external resources to try and load right now
EAsyncPackageState::Type WaitUntilComplete(float Timeout = 0.0f, bool bStartStalledHandles = true);
/** Gets list of assets references this load was started with. This will be the paths before redirectors, and not all of these are guaranteed to be loaded */
void GetRequestedAssets(TArray<FSoftObjectPath>& AssetList) const;
/** Adds all loaded assets if load has succeeded. Some entries will be null if loading failed */
void GetLoadedAssets(TArray<UObject *>& LoadedAssets) const;
/** Returns first asset in requested asset list, if it's been successfully loaded. This will fail if the asset failed to load */
UObject* GetLoadedAsset() const;
/** Returns number of assets that have completed loading out of initial list, failed loads will count as loaded */
void GetLoadedCount(int32& LoadedCount, int32& RequestedCount) const;
/** Returns progress as a value between 0.0 and 1.0. */
float GetProgress() const;